CrossFit XA coach Shane Ryder

CrossFit Coach

I have a Law Enforcement Physical Fitness Instructorship, and in March 2018 I completed the Crossfit Level 1 Trainer course and started assisting with coaching at XA.  I started Crossfit in 2013 at 40 years old on military deployment overseas and have never gone back to traditional “gym” routines since. Functional fitness concepts within Crossfit absolutely work. The high level of injury-free fitness I’ve been able to maintain through my 40’s has been instrumental in my ability to operate at a high level in both military and law enforcement careers.

After a 2013 military deployment I landed at CrossFit XA where the family atmosphere and close friendships developed there truly helped get my kids and I through a profoundly difficult seasons of life.  The opportunity to develop positive, life-long relationships at Crossfit XA is as important to our overall health “picture” as the fitness gains. The family community that exists at Crossfit XA is unique and, in my experience, rare.